Monday, March 3, 2008

I'm a ma ma ma ma...

He did it. Matteo said his first word! He's been saying ba ba ba ba for the last few days, but we're not counting that. But on Saturday, his ba ba ba's turned into ma ma ma's!!! It's so cute! The video on here doesn't really do it justice, because he says it a lot clearer and more often, but you'll get the idea.

I feel kind of bad, because typically, da da is supposed to be the first word, and I think Sean was really looking forward to him saying it first. But, I have been saying ma ma ma to him for days, so I think that's where ma ma came from.

I'm sure tomorrow, when it's Matteo and Daddy day again, da da da will definetly be heard around the house, at least from Sean!!

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