Friday, December 28, 2007

It's probably best he won't remember this one...

Well, we have survived Matteo's first Christmas, and I do mean survive. It has been a crazy week!

Saturday night, Matteo felt a little warm. By Sunday he had a full blown fever with chest conjestion and cough! So much fun! Then, after Christmas with the ENTIRE Sifuentes clan (and I do mean entire) on Sunday, Christmas Eve with the immediate Sifuentes clan, and Christmas morning with the Hickey clan, the poor little guy was beat. We took his temp Christmas night and it was 101.5!

Well, that was it. I grabbed the phone and made my first ever sick call to the doctor's office. The nurse was very nice, and assured us that we were doing everything right, but should probably get him in to be checked out the next day. So, the next day we headed out to the doctor's office.

A quick exam, and a slight ear infection later, a prescribtion for amoxicylian was just what the doctor ordered.

We had his 6 month well visit on Friday. Diagnosis: the ear infection is clearing up, the chest congestion is breaking up and there's no fever. Great, so what do they do then...of course...give him his set of 6 month vaccines! Can't this poor little guy catch a break!!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Ladies & Gentlemen...we have a tooth!

Well, we have thought it has been coming for a while now, but he's been drooling like a fool since 3 months, so we never knew. All of the sudden, little boy is growing up!!

It was a Matteo & Daddy day at home, and Sean had him in his exersaucer. He was going nuts on the teething ring on there. A little while later, he grabbed Sean's knuckle and put it in his mouth, and wouldn't you know it, there was something a little sharp in there. Sure enough, a tooth had broken thru and you would have never known it!

He did really well throughout the day, and only got fussy at night. We loaded him up with Tylenol & Oragel and he slept thru the night with no problem! I'm so proud of my little man!!

I checked this morning and there is a bump next to the tooth, so I'm assuming the second tooth isn't too far behind!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Sunday was a very festive day in the Sifuentes household. Sean's schedule has been crazy because of the holidays, so we have to sqeeze everything in on his days off. This Sunday we did all things Christmas.

It began with Matteo's 6 month portrait session. I probably should have given some thought to his naps when I decided what time to schedule this because he was tired before we got there. He hung in there for the first outfit, but by the second, he was in complete bah humbug mode. We tried a Christmas outfit and with the addition of the pacifier, we were able to get some decent pictures out of him.

I feel bad, but, because he was so tired, he had dark circles under his eyes. Don't get me wrong, he was still the cutest kid I've ever seen (I'm partial), but, I wanted to get rid of the circles. So...I photoshoped them out. I know it sounds wrong photoshopping a baby, but 20 years from now when I look back, I won't remember...I don't think.

After the portrait session it was off to the mall to see Santa. He snuck in a quick nap while mom & dad grabbed some lunch and after a bottle, he was ready to see the big guy!! He did really well too! No tears and very minimal pulling of the (real!) beard!

Then it was home to put up the tree, and I think we might be in trouble next year when he's mobile, b/c he really liked that tree. He kept reaching out for it once everything was on it. We'll have to see what happens next year!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

It just gets better from here kid...

Well, it's official. Matteo has started solids. It didn't go exactly the way I had planned, but he's done it, and it went pretty well. We got back from getting Mom & Dad's christmas gift to themselves (a 42" LCD TV) a LOT later than I had planned, so the rice cereal was more like a late night snack rather than dinner, but Matteo didn't really mind.

We completely did it backwards too. First a bath, then dinner (like I said, didn't go exactly like I planned). Oh well. We don't have a high chair yet, so we did the Bouncy seat on the kitchen floor, which was fine, until he started kicking. He has great aim for the bowl!

We gave him about a tbsp of rice cereal with 2 oz of formula mixed in, so that splashed around really well. Truthfully though, he really didn't make that much of a mess, and ate about half of it. Not bad for the first time out.

It's been a few days now, and the rice cereal has gotten thicker, but he's really getting the hang of it now. When he makes those "Mom this has no taste" faces, I just keep telling just gets better from here...

Our next step...veggies...