Thursday, December 13, 2007

Ladies & Gentlemen...we have a tooth!

Well, we have thought it has been coming for a while now, but he's been drooling like a fool since 3 months, so we never knew. All of the sudden, little boy is growing up!!

It was a Matteo & Daddy day at home, and Sean had him in his exersaucer. He was going nuts on the teething ring on there. A little while later, he grabbed Sean's knuckle and put it in his mouth, and wouldn't you know it, there was something a little sharp in there. Sure enough, a tooth had broken thru and you would have never known it!

He did really well throughout the day, and only got fussy at night. We loaded him up with Tylenol & Oragel and he slept thru the night with no problem! I'm so proud of my little man!!

I checked this morning and there is a bump next to the tooth, so I'm assuming the second tooth isn't too far behind!

1 comment:

cloeybear96 said...

Awesome!!! He will be eating tacos in no time with Nick:-) I am also glad to read he has started cereal! Eat up, Matteo! Mom's so right, it only gets better! Wait till you get to the veggies!