Ok, I know, it's December and I'm just getting around to blogging about Thanksgiving, but, well, life happens. What can I say?!
After taking a year off last year, we decided we should resurect our Turkey day traditions and cook dinner for our families. It's honestly the easiest of all the options because everyone comes to us, and we don't have to travel all over the city to visit both sides of the family. And, Sean and his dad deep fry the turkey, so I don't even have to worry about that!!
Matteo was a real trooper all day. He helped us set up the table and clean it off. He loved the fact that there chairs in the living room, and he constantly was getting up and down off them.
He also loved having a playmate all day! Our neighor, Candy, got really sick, and there's nothing worse than feeling like death and having to run after a rambucious toddler all day, so we brought Jordan over to play with Matteo. She also joined us for Turkey Dinner while her dad was taking care of her mom! The kids were really cute together. The both seemed to really enjoy most of the dinner!
Matteo enjoying Tukey!

Grandma helping out Matteo & Jordan

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