We were lucky enough to be able to have some breakfast with Santa today! Grandma and Erin & Brennah (Matteo's future wife) came too!! We had a great time!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Breakfast with the Big Guy!
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1:03 PM
He got his hairs cut!
Matteo got his 2nd haircut the other day! He REALLY needed it! He did great in the chair all by himself! Raisins helped!
Posted by
10:12 AM
I like THIS one!
Last Saturday was Sean's only Saturday of December off (gotta love retail) so we decided it was the perfect time to go pick out our Christmas Tree.
Now let me tell you this. When we first were married, we lived in an apt. so we couldn't get a real tree. I have always had a real tree so our first year in our house, I was pumped to get a real tree. Sean was a little skeptical, but I talked him into it. The next year, there was some discussion about it, but again, we got a real tree. This year, there was any thought about NOT getting a real tree. I think I've broken him down!
Anyway, we decided to make a day of it! We headed out the door to breakfast and watched some really FAT snowflakes fall, then headed to the Andersons. I love real trees, but I'm not about to go out to a farm in 20 degree weather just to chop down our own tree. Matte helped us find a great one and we loaded onto the Envoy! Once we were home, Matteo was a great helper to dad as they got the tree up. Then we had a slight pause in the action for someone's nap!
Once he got up, and after the TPG Christmas Party (we had a blast but were too busy to get any pics, sorry) we put the lights up and ornaments! I'm actually pretty impressed with Matteo. He really like handing us the bulbs, but does a good job of not yanking too many off the tree.
We also taught him how to turn the lights on the tree on and off with the foot swith we have. I really likes doing this, but I think the neighbors might think we're trying to communicate thru Mores Code!!

Posted by
9:48 AM
Holiday Parade
Over the Thanksgiving Holiday, Matteo and I decided to bundle up and head downtown to catch the Parade. My dad used to take us down there, and I really though Matteo would get a kick out of seeing the clowns and bands!
I was right, he did enjoy himself, but I think the candy may have had something to do with it!
Posted by
9:42 AM
Ok, I know, it's December and I'm just getting around to blogging about Thanksgiving, but, well, life happens. What can I say?!

Grandma helping out Matteo & Jordan

Posted by
9:32 AM