We were lucky enough to be able to have some breakfast with Santa today! Grandma and Erin & Brennah (Matteo's future wife) came too!! We had a great time!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Breakfast with the Big Guy!
Posted by
1:03 PM
He got his hairs cut!
Matteo got his 2nd haircut the other day! He REALLY needed it! He did great in the chair all by himself! Raisins helped!
Posted by
10:12 AM
I like THIS one!
Last Saturday was Sean's only Saturday of December off (gotta love retail) so we decided it was the perfect time to go pick out our Christmas Tree.
Now let me tell you this. When we first were married, we lived in an apt. so we couldn't get a real tree. I have always had a real tree so our first year in our house, I was pumped to get a real tree. Sean was a little skeptical, but I talked him into it. The next year, there was some discussion about it, but again, we got a real tree. This year, there was any thought about NOT getting a real tree. I think I've broken him down!
Anyway, we decided to make a day of it! We headed out the door to breakfast and watched some really FAT snowflakes fall, then headed to the Andersons. I love real trees, but I'm not about to go out to a farm in 20 degree weather just to chop down our own tree. Matte helped us find a great one and we loaded onto the Envoy! Once we were home, Matteo was a great helper to dad as they got the tree up. Then we had a slight pause in the action for someone's nap!
Once he got up, and after the TPG Christmas Party (we had a blast but were too busy to get any pics, sorry) we put the lights up and ornaments! I'm actually pretty impressed with Matteo. He really like handing us the bulbs, but does a good job of not yanking too many off the tree.
We also taught him how to turn the lights on the tree on and off with the foot swith we have. I really likes doing this, but I think the neighbors might think we're trying to communicate thru Mores Code!!

Posted by
9:48 AM
Holiday Parade
Over the Thanksgiving Holiday, Matteo and I decided to bundle up and head downtown to catch the Parade. My dad used to take us down there, and I really though Matteo would get a kick out of seeing the clowns and bands!
I was right, he did enjoy himself, but I think the candy may have had something to do with it!
Posted by
9:42 AM
Ok, I know, it's December and I'm just getting around to blogging about Thanksgiving, but, well, life happens. What can I say?!

Grandma helping out Matteo & Jordan

Posted by
9:32 AM
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Leaves, leaves everywhere
By the way, all these leaves are NOT from any tree in our yard. They are all from the neighbor's trees!
Posted by
2:26 PM
Monday, November 3, 2008
A Walk in the Park
Off we go!
Posted by
8:28 PM
Trick or Treat!

It was so nice to be greeted by a monkey running up the driveway at me. Matteo looked so cute in his costume and I think he really enjoyed wearing it. After a couple of times over to the neighbors to steal some candy, the monkey boy had had enough.
Inside he went, off came the costume and the real fun, the candy eating, could begin. One thing we have realized, Matteo enjoys candy, and he knows where it is. I kept bringing his pumpkin up to us and trying to some. He still does it even today, three days after!
Posted by
7:59 PM
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Pumpkins & Cake!
Fall in the midwest cannot be beat. I know the winters can be cold, drab and downright dull, but boy do we make up with it during the fall! Hot apple cider on a cold day with the sun shining! You can't beat it. And today was one of the most pictuesque Toledo Fall days I can remember in a long time.

Posted by
7:49 PM
Friday, October 17, 2008
Catching Up on Pics
So, as promised, here are some of the latest pics of Matteo...

Ready for the Beach

We're going to a pumpkin farm this weekend, and going to our neighbor's 2nd birthday party, so I should have more after this weekend!!!
Posted by
7:25 PM
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I'm Inspired!
I've been inspired. I have been blogging since December of '07 about the kiddo, but know that I have been lacking about updating it since Matteo turned 1. Well, no more. The moms in the Toledo Parents Group I'm a part of have inspired me! I also went thru and re-read all the posts. You forget so much, and it's so cute to see my little man back when he was still a baby.
So here I am today, promising to keep up on the blog, if for no one else but posterity! So Matteo can look back on this and say "Moooommmm!" So I can show his girlfriends when he's a rebellious teenager and embarrass him!
And with that, onto the latest adventures of Matteo-- almost 16 months now...
A walking fool-- and while I didn't have the actual video camera handy, I was able to catch some of his first steps on my cell...
An avid flier-- He's survived his first flight out to NH for Joe & Torie's wedding, which was a blast by the way!!!
I'll have more still pics when I post from home (yep, actually getting paid as I type this).
Posted by
5:05 PM
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Long Time, No Blog
Alright, I know...I've been really lacking in the blog dept. But really, I don't think anyone really reads this unless I send out an e-mail, so I bet you didn't notice.
Posted by
5:11 PM
Monday, March 31, 2008
Our little Indian
Matteo is learing new things all the time. He's crawling on all four now, but still resorts to the army crawl. He can get himself out of the exersaucer, much to mom & dad's surprise, and quick reactions, and he is taking cues from us!!
Yesterday, Matteo learned to be a little indian!! Too cute!
Posted by
7:18 AM
What an Easter..
Posted by
7:09 AM
Monday, March 17, 2008
Quick Update
Just wanted to post a quick update...
Matteo is almost 9 months now...9 months...can you believe it!! Time really does fly by! He cut his SIXTH tooth this past weekend. That makes 5 teeth since Dec. 28th. He's still a trooper.
He's attempting to "really" crawl. He'll actually takes a few "steps" when he's on hardwood, but doesn't bother with it on carpet, and resorts to his army crawl. He can pull himself up on things now, specifically the coffee table. He has no problem taking a few steps to scale the length of it either, which, of course has led to a few falls. He actually had his first bloody lip the other day. He knocked it as he was falling down. He also knocked himself pretty hard on the head yesterday. Poor baby!!
Sean and I have decided that we weren't taking enough pictures of him, so there has been a surge of flash bulbs going off anytime he does something cute. Here's a few...
Posted by
1:49 PM
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
That didn't take long
So, a mere matter of hours after I posted about Matteo's Mama, he started saying Dada! Sean is so proud!
Posted by
8:11 AM
Monday, March 3, 2008
I'm a ma ma ma ma...
He did it. Matteo said his first word! He's been saying ba ba ba ba for the last few days, but we're not counting that. But on Saturday, his ba ba ba's turned into ma ma ma's!!! It's so cute! The video on here doesn't really do it justice, because he says it a lot clearer and more often, but you'll get the idea.
I feel kind of bad, because typically, da da is supposed to be the first word, and I think Sean was really looking forward to him saying it first. But, I have been saying ma ma ma to him for days, so I think that's where ma ma came from.
I'm sure tomorrow, when it's Matteo and Daddy day again, da da da will definetly be heard around the house, at least from Sean!!
Posted by
6:38 AM
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Sorry ladies...
Posted by
6:44 AM
Will it ever stop??
Posted by
6:36 AM
Monday, February 11, 2008
Who needs crawling...
Posted by
6:23 AM
Friday, February 1, 2008
Can't wait for winter to be over...
Posted by
6:24 AM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
It's not easy...getting teeth...
Poor Matteo. This teething thing is kicking his butt...literally. It all began Saturday when I spoted a white line in his mouth. I felt up there and felt the very tip of a tooth poking thru. He wasn't acting fussy or anything, so I was very excited.
Fast forward to Sunday, still not a lot of fuss, but he had started pullin at his left ear, usually a sure sign of ear infection. Great. To top it off, he also broke out in a horrible case of diaper rash! He was crying every time we changed his diaper. And, I'm not talking about whimpering. No, it's the full on, I'm-in-pain, mom-why-are-you-doing-this-to-me, cry. The kind of cry that bring moms to tears. My poor baby.
Monday we took a quick trip to the doctor, and sure enough it's an ear infection, so back on amoxicycilian he went. They also gave me this concoction of diaper rash stuff for his bottom. It's a combination of Desitan, Mylanta and Aquaphor ointment. It's kind of gross to mix up, but I'm hoping it works. You never feel so helpless until your baby is crying and there's nothing you can do about it!
Keep your fingers crossed...it works!
Posted by
12:11 PM
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
It's all about the dress
The real motivation to do this was the fact that my family has a antique baptismal gown that my great grandma Lillian Hill made. It was made back in 1910 for my grandma and her sisters. Since then over 100 babies have been baptised in it; including my dad and my brother and me; and the dress has traveled all over the US and even to Europe.
It's really a priceless antique heirloom...and here we are putting an infant in it! Needless to say, I was very nervous. I had an emergency burp cloth nearby and did our best to keep him
The dress made it back into the box for good (after another quick photo op at my parent's house) and it is officially out of my hands, no worse for the wear. I think it truely might have been, a miracle!!
Posted by
6:21 AM