Saturday, July 24, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Matteo turns the big 0-3!
Ok, I know it's cliche to say this, but my little boy is growing up. He's no longer a baby anymore, he's a little man with a real personality. He's able to not only form real sentences, but put some tone into them. Not always the tone I want to hear, but there's tone none the less. He not only notices things, but he's able to remember them. He knows, for the most part, what' he's allowed to do and not do, although he chooses to not always remember.
We're still fighting the potty training battle, but I feel we're close. He goes on the potty, just not all the time. It's a slow process that was interupted my Miss Lillian's arrival, but I feel we're back on track, so hopefully soon we'll be ditching those diapers for real big boy pants.
He's has fallen into the roll of big brother perfectly. He loves to play with Lily on her playmat, and brings her her pacifier when she cries. He's not too rough with her and will ask to hold her and talk to her when he does.
Matteo is also his own set of challenges. Terrible two's have been replaced with terrible threes. I now understand moms who said they would take the two's over the three's anytime. Somedays he's fine, and other days the tiniest little thing will send him into a meltdown. He's really big on not doing what he doesn't want to do, and good luck talking him into doing it. There have been several a night where mom or matteo or both are in tears because of a "book, no book" fight.
His "slight" spiderman obcession has given way to a Toy Story obsession, which timed out perfectly because Toy Story 3 came out just before his birthday, although we still have to find time to go see it.
Overall, our little Booga is quite the little man! I think we'll keep him!
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7:02 PM
Saturday, May 29, 2010
First trip to the beach!
Our first trip to Schnipke's is in the bag, thanks to the heat spell we had this week!
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7:46 PM
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Milestones... it's a word you never used very often until you became a parent. Then, you live by them. Each time your child surpasses a milestone, you're proud and immediately compare them to other children (Even your own). Some milestones are so major, you remember when and where you were when they happened, like the first step or the first word.
I remember where I was for both with Matteo. Heck, for Matteo's first step, I even remember the date off the top of my head, July 22nd, 2008... don't ask me why. (BTW, I was at work and Sean was at home in the living room when Matteo took his first step. I got a phone call from a very proud papa, and witnessed the feat for myself the very next day).
Little Miss Lily is starting her own set of milestones. It's one of the first ones a baby can do, but it's also one of the most special because it means that your newborn (aka bump on a log) is becoming a real person with a personality... it's the first time they SMILE at you. Lily has been giving smiles that were questionable to both Sean and I for the last couple weeks or so, but now, she's really blossoming. Full out smiles while looking straight at you. It's sooo cute!
I remember where I was when Matteo first started doing that (sitting on the couch while Sean and I were making faces at him... I even got a picture of one of his first ones). And now I won't forget where I was when Lily had her first smile. Yesterday, while I was holding Lily, Sean started talking to her and suddenly she cracked a full on grin, complete with a dimple on her right cheek.
Then, just to prove it wasn't a fluke, this morning, while sitting in her swing she made "friends' with her animals on her mobile and kept smiling at them. Unfortunely, no video because they were so random, but it is documented for postarity in this blog :-)
This is just the first of many milestones Lily will accomplish, but it's one of my favorites. Can't wait to see what she does next!
Posted by
8:06 PM
Monday, May 17, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Welcome Garin!

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2:12 PM
6 weeks and counting...
I've heard that the first 6 weeks of being a new mom are the hardest. If that's the case then we've all survived. Lily is officially 6 weeks old. She's sleeping about 5 hours at a time at night, and sometimes more (sometimes less too). She is sleeps most of the afternoon away, but is awak for larger stretches of time in the morning and at night. She can really concentrate on faces and objects that aren't too far away. She's starting to like her bouncy seat and will hang out in her swing, at least for a little while. Overall, she's a pretty good baby.
Matteo is being a very good big brother. She loves to kiss her and loves when she's awake. He always gets so excited when he looks to see if she's awake and she is. He's really talking up a storm now and has quite a personality on him. He LOVES to wrestle with dad, although I think Sean might be regretting the fact that he taught him how to do that. He loves looking for worms with grandpa (Hickey) and finding the frogs in their pond. He'll be able to do that a lot more now that Grandpa has officially retired!
Only two more weeks and "real" life officially begins when I go back to work. I'm looking forward to it and not. I love the idea of getting back to something that I am good at and conversing with adults, but will miss being with my kids and knowing what they are doing at all times.
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1:19 PM
3 weeks old
Today, my little girl turned 3 weeks old. Not a usual milestone, but you blog about what you can, when you can. With my last blog, I was dedicated to blogging about Matteo's every little milestone, but I'm quickly finding that 2 kids makes that quite a challenge.
Our little Lily is quickly fitting into our little family. The past three weeks have been a blur, but now we're all getting into the groove of things. I get the "how you doing..." question quite a bit, and my standard answer to that is "Week 3 is better than week 2, which was better than week 1". The first week, is always rough. Week 2 Sean went back to work and now week 3 we are finding our way thru all of it.
Lily's routine is one that is actually very nice for all of us. She usually gets up in the morning and is up for about 2 hours. She then naps most of the afternoon away, waking up to eat usually every 3 hours. Then, she gets up for a few more hours in the evening. She usually goes to bed about 1030 ish and is only up twice throughout the night to eat. As my dad says, 2 runs after midnight is pretty good.
Lily has already been to the park, zoo, Walmart and even next door for a playdate with Jordan and Taylor. She's quite a mover and a shaker for only being 3 weeks :-).
We're seeing some smiles too, but most of that is not "real" smiles, but we'll take whatever we can get. She's lost some of her hair, but still has quite a bit. We also think it's getting a little lighter. If she has Sean's hair, which we think she does, it will probably be dark brown instead of the black she was born with. I'm still hesitant to put any bows in her hair though just because I'm afraid of hurting her. I have put in a few hairbands in her and boy is she cute!
Her eyes are still a dark blue/grey. I thought I saw some brown peeking thru, but we're still hoping that was a trick of the light and she will keep her dark blue!
Well, that's about it. I'm sure there is more to this little girl sleeping on my shoulder as I write this, and we can't wait to find out the secrets she has in store for us!
Posted by
1:15 PM
Here she is!
Which is better, knowing exactly when and where your life is going to change forever, or having it be a surprise. I never got the complete surprise of labor, since Matteo wasn't coming on his own, and I had to get a little push to get things moving. But none, the less, it all happened without too much notice.
With Miss Lillian's arrival, I knew about 7 months ahead of time, when and where my life was going to change, and never be the same. I'm not sure which method I prefer, being thrown into a whirlwind of semi-chaos, or having days, weeks even to anticipate what is to come. But either way, she has arrived and we have our little family of four now... and the dog.
Our little peanut's arrival could almost be what you call textbook, I guess. We knew it was going to be a c-section, since her brother was one too. So sometime last November, we picked a date on the calendar and said this was going to be our little girl's birthday. It just happened to be April 1st, April Fool's Day. She may hate us later in life for picking a day traditionaly used to play tricks, but I'm sure that may just be one more thing she will add to her list.
Lily's arrival really began on Wednesday (March 31st). Both Sean and I had the day off to "prepare" and enjoy our last day as a family of three. After some running around to get last minute things, we went out and enjoyed a nice dinner. Matteo then went off to Grandma and Grandpa Hickey's to stay the night, armed with his "Big Brother" PJ's and Tshirt for the next day.
After a semi-restful night sleep (I think I got about 4 hours), the alarm went off and after a quick shower and last minute packing, off to the hospital we went. I got hooked up to a monitor and of course, no contractions or anything on my own (not that I was expecting that). It took 3 nurses 5 tries to get an IV started, but once that happened, everything seemed to move seemlessly. Sean got "prepped" and after a little delay for an emergency c-section to sneek in before us, I was being wheeled into the operating room.
It was really surreal. For the nurses and doctors in there, it's just another routine procedure, but for me, it's the beginning of a completely different chapter in my life. You got in there alone and come out with a brand new baby! I got situated on the table, and had a wonderful nurse anestisis give me a spinal. After 5 attempts at an IV, the spinal was nothing. I barely felt it, which was nice. Next thing I knew there were putting the drape up and before I even knew it, they had begun. Sean was brought in pretty quickly and we sat (well, I layed) there waiting to hear our baby. About 10 minutes later, and some major pressure to my belly, she was here, our little girl!
Another 45 minutes or so, and we were in recovery, waiting to introduce Matteo to his little sister. A short delay later, and Matteo was giving Lily kisses and even holding her. He took to being a big brother like a duck to water. Very loving and very sweet. Lily got to meet both sets of her grandparents right away too.
It's amazing to think that just a few days ago, Little Lillian was a mystery to us. She fits right into our family. We can't wait to get to know her better and watch her turn into a lovely little lady!
Posted by
1:12 PM
So, while the Shutterfly site is great for pics, not so great for blogs and followers, so it looks like I will be double posting! If anyone has any experience with either site and has suggestions, let me know!
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1:09 PM
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Switching Sites
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12:51 PM