Ok, so I so excited when Matteo cut his first tooth! My little boy was growing up. But now, these teeth just keep on coming. It took about 3 weeks between his bottom right tooth and his bottom left tooth, which I thought was kind of a long time. So after that second one made an appearance, I thought, good, we're done for a while.
Then, about 3 weeks later one of the top ones made their appearance, along with HORRIBLE diaper rash! The other top one poped thru only about a week and a half later. So good, 4 teeth, we can take a break...right? Not so fast!!
All of the sudden, only about 2 weeks after the last tooth, a slight case of diaper rash appeared and Matteo is a drooling fool. I am pretty sure there's another tooth on it's way out. I think I see the tell tale "white" gum on the upper left hand side. Will this ever end (well, it will eventually) and will my little guy ever get a break!!!