Poor Matteo. This teething thing is kicking his butt...literally. It all began Saturday when I spoted a white line in his mouth. I felt up there and felt the very tip of a tooth poking thru. He wasn't acting fussy or anything, so I was very excited.
Fast forward to Sunday, still not a lot of fuss, but he had started pullin at his left ear, usually a sure sign of ear infection. Great. To top it off, he also broke out in a horrible case of diaper rash! He was crying every time we changed his diaper. And, I'm not talking about whimpering. No, it's the full on, I'm-in-pain, mom-why-are-you-doing-this-to-me, cry. The kind of cry that bring moms to tears. My poor baby.
Monday we took a quick trip to the doctor, and sure enough it's an ear infection, so back on amoxicycilian he went. They also gave me this concoction of diaper rash stuff for his bottom. It's a combination of Desitan, Mylanta and Aquaphor ointment. It's kind of gross to mix up, but I'm hoping it works. You never feel so helpless until your baby is crying and there's nothing you can do about it!
Keep your fingers crossed...it works!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
It's not easy...getting teeth...
Posted by
12:11 PM
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
It's all about the dress
The real motivation to do this was the fact that my family has a antique baptismal gown that my great grandma Lillian Hill made. It was made back in 1910 for my grandma and her sisters. Since then over 100 babies have been baptised in it; including my dad and my brother and me; and the dress has traveled all over the US and even to Europe.
It's really a priceless antique heirloom...and here we are putting an infant in it! Needless to say, I was very nervous. I had an emergency burp cloth nearby and did our best to keep him
The dress made it back into the box for good (after another quick photo op at my parent's house) and it is officially out of my hands, no worse for the wear. I think it truely might have been, a miracle!!
Posted by
6:21 AM
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Quick Update
Just a quick update to all the friends and family who are reading this blog. Matteo is doing so much better now. He's still got a "chesty" cough, but it's all the gunk breaking up, and he doesn't really mind.
We started solids again, and the difference has been night and day. He was opening his mouth looking for the spoon and I couldn't get it in fast enough! We started our first veggie, carrots, over the weekend and that first look is precious. He's still not sure what to think about it, but gobbles it down anyhow. I was never really worried he wouldn't catch onto the soilds (after all, how many adults do you know are still on formula) but it's nice that he's got the hang of it.
He really wants to crawl, and can definetly get where he wants to go. He can get up on all fours briefly, and is also doing this butt in the air, face on the floor thing to move. It's quite funny. I'm sure crawling is right around the cornor...and then watch out...
Posted by
4:03 PM
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Solids...Take 2
Well, Matteo is finally feeling better. He's still got a few days of antibiotics left, but he actually seems to like the taste, so I don't think he minds.
With all the drama with Christmas and sickness, the rice cereal has taken a back burner. Now, it's time to jump back in. For a while, Matteo was doing really well with the rice cereal we were giving him. Opening his mouth, and not spitting it out. But that was at first. He's started going backwards from there. He started turning his head away, not really opening his mouth, and spitting it back out, creating a huge mess.
So, when he got sick, the dr. said it was okay to stop the solids and let him get back to normal. Well, he's back to normal now, so here we go again. We got a high chair this weekend, so he'll be in that now to eat (before then we were using the bouncy seat, which could have contributed to the problem).
I figured we'll start a day or two with the rice cereal then add some veggies to the mix. Keep your fingers crossed...
Posted by
6:29 AM